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Missing physicochemical properties for chemicals

When adding missing physicochemical properties, please take the following into account: The following links prioritize chemical compounds that are listed in most Wikis (Wikipedias, Wikimedia Commons, etc). To go to the Wikidata page for each item, click its name below, which will lead to its Scholia page which links to the Wikidata page via the Q number link at the top.

Missing Boiling Points

The boiling point is the temperature at which boiling occurs under a pressure of one bar. Typical units given include degrees Kelvin and degrees Celsius. Because it depends on the pressure, this is often also given, as shown in these examples.

Missing Melting Points

The melting point is the temperature at which a compound melts. Typical units given include degrees Kelvin and degrees Celsius. It is often found for organic chemicals as part of their unique characterization. Check out these examples.

Missing Mass

Missing Solubility

The solubility of a compound is always in some solvent and depending on the temperature. The latter two are therefore commonly given as qualifiers, as for this example.

Missing Enthalpy of Formation

The enthalpy of formation is a measure of the stability of the compound.

Missing Vapor Pressure

Missing Molar Entropy

Missing Density

Missing Chemical Structure

Missing Flash Point

Missing pKa

Missing Combustion Enthalpy

Missing IDLH

The Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health value (IDLH) is an indication provided by the U.S. CDC about the danger of the compound.