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Our data source is Wikidata, a structured data project similar to the encyclopedia project Wikipedia. Each item is identified by a Q number, and information can be added directly to an item's page (in this case, Some information however, like an author's papers, are stored on the item for the paper itself. The "What links here" link in the sidebar of an item can show these items.

There are also various tools available which can make editing Wikidata quicker and more rigorous.

Most important for Scholia is the Author Disambiguator, which can be used to quickly create new dedicated items for authors and find existing papers which do not link to the author.

Check Crossref for new papers

If you think that Wikidata is missing recent papers published on this topic, you can click the button below to check the 20 most recent papers in Crossref. You will be redirected to the Identifier to Quickstatements tool where you can see the presence of these in Wikidata and have the opportunity to create these items in Wikidata using QuickStatements.

Missing topic tags for taxon name

This table lists works which have this taxon's name in the title but that have not been annotated as having it as main subject (P921).

The query is arranged such that you can edit it, comment out the line directly after the first DISTINCT (which creates the first two columns in the table below) and then rerun the query to get the results in a format that can be pasted directly into a new QuickStatements batch to make the missing edits. See Help:QuickStatements for instructions on how to use QuickStatements.

Please note: it is your responsibility to check whether these edits actually make sense — watch out for work titles containing taxon names of subspecies, variants, hybrids or similar, or for cases where titles just happen to contain this taxon name string but that are not actually about this taxon.